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How To Get Rid Of Rats In Your Home Fast

Rats can be problematic for anyone. So, it is very necessary to remove them. Fortunately, there are several rat control methods and by using them you can make your home rat-free. From using traps and baits to preventative measures such as sealing off potential entry points, there are many ways to effectively eliminate rats from your home. Here, we are going to discuss rat behaviour as well as non-chemical and chemical rat control methods. With these methods, you can get rid of the rats in your home fast and effectively. 

How To Get Rid Of Rats In Your Home Fast

Understand Rat Behaviour To Catch or Remove Them

To control the rat infestation, you need to understand how rats behave and why they come to your place.

  • Rats prefer to live in groups since they are sociable creatures. They require lots of room to roam and explore. 
  • Rats are always in an active mood, in search of food and other pursuits to keep their minds active. 
  • They require a tidy setting with clean bedding and drink. 
  • Rats require a calm, dark location to sleep during the day since they are nocturnal and prefer to be active at night.
  • They require opportunities to socialise with other rats and use body language, vocalisations; and scent marking as their primary means of communication. 

If you see any activity of rat infestation, read our article. This will help you in removing the rats completely. 

Non-Chemical Methods For Removing Rats

1. Check All Entry Points For Rats

Make sure to watch out for any damaged drains, cracks in your garage door, and potential spaces in your foundation. Additionally, look around plumbing or utility lines that enter into the house. When inspecting the area for potential openings, observe if there are any gaps near vents, drains and appliance lines.

Make sure to inspect the inside, bottom, and underneath parts of your cupboards. Don’t forget to check the corners and floors of inner closets as well as storage areas. Also, make sure to take a look at the vicinity near your fireplace and wood stove. So that you do pest control properly.

2. Seal The Cracks And Gaps

Identify any existing gaps in your walls, such as those located in the interior or exterior. To ensure lasting protection, fill these openings using materials like wire wool, metal kick plates, cement, and caulk.

Make sure to give your home network a once-over each month to make sure all security patches are still secure. Additionally, conduct an overall checkup of your residence every year in search of any new entrances.

3. Rats Prevention

A few inexpensive, all-natural rat or rodent control products can work wonders when it comes to getting rid of rats.

You can use peppermint oil, cayenne pepper, and black pepper to prevent the rats. Just sprinkle these ingredients around the exterior of the house. Along the line where your foundation meets the earth, liberally spread your chosen substance. Near rat tunnels and entrances, scatter crushed pepper or use pepper spray. This will irritate the rats’ airways and noses and make them less likely to enter your house again.

4. Remove Food And Water Sources

Rats and other rodents will be drawn to food sources in both domestic & commercial properties. To protect against this, store all food items in unbreakable containers with airtight lids. Additionally, make sure to clean up any food messes immediately to keep rat pest infestation away.

Make sure to wash dishes right after use so your kitchen remains mess-free. Store pet food in sealed containers and keep all garbage bins secure with lids that fit tightly. This will help maintain a clutter-free home and also prevent unwanted pests from entering.

5. Clean Bins Regularly

If you want to keep rats away, you can use garbage containers. And, always keep your bins hygienic and don’t forget to clean them by using hot water and soap regularly. Furthermore, you make sure that you dispose of waste on a regular basis. If you notice that any waste can be recycled, do it and clean the bins. 

6. Remove Hiding Places

Using poison is not the only solution, as removing possible hiding spots can do the trick. To keep rats away from the place, always remember that you need to destroy all shelters and sheds used by rats. 

Remove items from the walls and organise the clutter in and around your home. You can also get rid of stacks of out-of-season clothing, unattended storage containers, and magazines or newspapers that rats might use as nesting material. Lift boxes of storage off the ground using risers. Instead of using cardboard boxes to store products out of season, use sturdy plastic containers with tight-fitting lids for rat removal.

6. Set Traps

Trapping has emerged as a non-toxic solution to combat the rat population. It is much safer compared to the use of rodenticides and poisonous substances, which are no longer legal in California. Using snap traps is now regarded as the most effective & speedy way for eliminating rats.

Glue traps are an alternative, although not the most humane way, of tackling rat populations. They can be used to not only observe rodent activities but also to locate areas where snap traps can be placed for maximum efficiency. To use glue traps smoothly, place them in rat routes and inspect & replace them on a regular basis.

Use numerous traps in locations where rats congregate and arrange them carefully for the greatest results. You will have more coverage and a higher chance of keeping pests out of your place if you do this.

Chemical Methods

Baiting With Poisons

Setting traps with rat poison is an effective way of eliminating rats, though it needs to be done with great care. Rat baits are typically divided into two main types, anticoagulant and non-anticoagulant poisons. Warfarin, chlorophacinone, and diphacinone are the most commonly used anticoagulants for this purpose. 

Non-anticoagulants are usually lethal poisons that only require one dose to take effect. They work by hindering energy production within the cells, resulting in the death of rats & mice. Blocks, food baits, pellets, and liquid baits that may be used in conjunction with fresh meals are just a few of the several formulas available for modern baits. We hope this guide, How To Get Rid Of Rats In Your Home Fast will help you to remove rats.

Published on: June 5, 2023

Last updated on: June 6, 2023

Cockroaches are insects that belong to the Blattodea order. They’re distinguished by their flattened bodies, large antennae, and six legs. There are about 4,600 cockroach species, yet only roughly 30 of them are considered pests.

Cockroaches are nasty creatures and love to live in warm, dark, and moist environments and can not be easily removed with pest removal at home. Basically, they find a place where they can find sufficient food sources. 

Cockroaches may spread several diseases. Their faeces, saliva, and lost skin can contaminate food and surfaces. In certain people, cockroach infestations can trigger allergic responses and asthma episodes. So, let’s talk about cockroaches in more detail so you may quickly get rid of them and avoid their infestation. 

Cockroach Eggs What They Look Like And What You Need To Do

Let’s Start With The Basic Information About Cockroaches

Roaches don’t lay single eggs but rather ootheca which are leathery sacks containing multiple eggs. These can contain up to forty little ones and help protect them from predators as well as insecticides.

Want to know what cockroach eggs appear like? Well, they are usually small capsules with a tan, brown, or black hue; have a shape that resembles something closest to a pill or purse.

German & American cockroaches lay eggs that measure around 8 mm in length; while Oriental and SmokyBrown cockroaches’ eggs are slightly bigger at 12 mm. The smallest egg sacks belong to Brown-banded cockroaches, these are just 5 mm long.

Some Species Of Cockroaches

There are more than 1000 cockroach species in the world. Well, the species affect the cockroach’s behaviour. So, here are some cockroach species, by knowing them you can know where you will find them. 

  • The German cockroaches are little, light brown or tan-coloured beetles approximately half an inch long. Sometimes the eggs of the German cockroaches hatch while still clinging to the mother.
  • The American cockroaches have wings that let them fly short distances and are reddish-brown in hue. The American cockroach lays its egg cases close to food sources and will occasionally use its saliva to stick them to a surface.
  • The Oriental cockroach is a little, dark brown or black bug approximately an inch long. These type of roaches lay their eggs in warm, protected locations close to food.
  • Smoky brown cockroach females frequently conceal their eggs in moist cracks (such as behind rocks or in heaps of wood or other trash).
  • The Brown-banded cockroach is a little, light brown or tan bug that measures approximately half an inch in length. They’re most frequent in warm, dry places like bedrooms and living rooms. According to expert pest controllers, their eggs can be discovered on rough surfaces such as cardboard or sand. They may occur in bunches if a region is badly infected.

Female cockroaches, on the other hand, generally deposit their eggs in sheltered regions near food and water supplies. These areas can include cracks and crevices in walls and floors, behind appliances or furniture, and in dark corners or cabinets. The eggs are usually contained in a protective case known as ootheca. Ootheca can hold anywhere from a few to several dozen eggs depending on the species. The ideal place to look for roach eggs is near things that adult cockroaches appreciate, such as food. Look for them in kitchens with plenty of food and water. And bathrooms, where drops and condensation make finding water easier. You can get help from any pest control company if find them. 

What Is Inside The Oothecae?

What is the total number of eggs laid by a cockroach? Oothecae have a varied number of eggs, ranging from 14 – 48 eggs. Most cockroaches contain 14-16 eggs inside the egg case, while the smoky brown kind lays 20 and the German cockroach lays 30-48.

Inside The Eggs Themselves

Every egg within an ootheca has its own developing nymph of a cockroach. Cockroach eggs, for example, can yield up to 48 young cockroaches. Despite their short lifespans (between 160 and 450 days depending on the species), they may produce progeny. 

Is There A Queen?

Roaches are not social insects and thus do not have a queen like honey bees or termites. But they are considered ‘gregarious’, meaning they gather together during rest times, normally in the daytime. 

Does Cockroach Build Nests Alike Other Pests?

A cockroach nest will not be built like the nests of some other insect species due to the fact that roaches are only weakly social. Nevertheless, a refuge site that they use for resting will likely show signs of their presence with roach feces covering it. This area is used day after day by the same groups so you’ll be able to identify it.

The Adults And Where You Can Find Them

Cockroaches are well known for their capacity to live in practically any environment; making them nasty pests or insects to eliminate. 

  • In restrooms, kitchens, and other dark areas with easy access to food and water, cockroaches are common. 
  • You can also check them in areas such as cabinets, drawers, and under appliances like refrigerators and stoves. 
  • Cockroaches are also experts in hiding behind wall and floor cracks and fissures.
  • Well, you can also find them in dark, damp areas such as basements, crawl spaces,  drains, and pipes around garbage cans and sewers. 
  • For some species of cockroaches, you can check the areas such as closets, drawers, and behind picture frames.

You can look around locations with easy access to food, water, and shelter to find adult cockroaches. It’s time to engage the pest controller to remove the infestation if you think your home may have a cockroach problem.

What Kills The Entire Roach Infestation?

However, there are a number of ways to cockroach control and by using them, you can kill cockroach infestations. You can use pesticides, bait traps, and expert pest management services. When using any pest control solutions, it is very necessary to observe safety precautions and read the directions thoroughly. It is critical to maintain the surroundings clean and clear of food trash in order to reduce cockroach infestations. Sealing gaps and crevices around doors and windows can also aid in the prevention of intruders. 

Everything is okay but when it is the matter of removing cockroaches, it is highly advised to hire a pest management company.

Published on: June 5, 2023

Last updated on: June 6, 2023

Millipedes are common household pests that can cause damage to plants, and even invade homes. These long, many-legged creatures are harmless to humans but can be a nuisance to have around. In this blog post, we will discuss how to get rid of millipedes naturally without the use of harsh chemicals. Read on to know in detail about how to get rid of millipedes naturally.

How To Get Rid Of Millipedes Naturally

Ways To Get Rid Of Millipedes

Identify The Problem

The first step in getting rid of millipedes is to identify the source of the problem. These pests are attracted to damp, dark environments, so it is important to eliminate any areas of moisture in your home. This may include fixing leaks, using dehumidifiers, and ensuring proper drainage around your home’s foundation.

Natural Deterrents

Next, you can use natural deterrents to keep millipedes away. Essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, and citrus are known to repel millipedes, as they dislike the strong scent. You can make a spray by mixing a few drops of essential oil with water in a spray bottle, and then use it to spray around the baseboards and entry points of your home.

Diatomaceous Earth

Another natural solution is to use diatomaceous earth. This is a powder made from the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms, and it is a safe and effective way to kill millipedes. Simply sprinkle the powder around the areas where you have seen millipedes, and it will dry out their exoskeleton, killing them.

Natural Predators

You can also use natural predators such as centipedes, spiders, and ground beetles to control millipede populations. These predators will naturally hunt and eat millipedes, helping to keep their numbers in check.

Clean Environment

Finally, you can also maintain a clean and tidy environment to discourage millipedes from taking up residence. This includes regularly cleaning and vacuuming your home, as well as removing any piles of leaves, mulch, or other organic debris from around your home’s foundation.

In summary, getting rid of millipedes naturally is possible with some basic steps. Identifying the source of the problem, using natural deterrents, and natural predators and maintaining a clean and tidy environment can help to control millipede populations without the use of harsh chemicals. Remember to be patient, as it may take time to see the results, but with persistence and the right approach, you can successfully get rid of millipedes from your home.

How Can Getting Rid Of Millipedes Help You?

Getting rid of millipedes can help you in several ways. First, it can prevent damage to your plants. Millipedes feed on decaying plant material and can cause significant damage to gardens, lawns, and flowerbeds. By eliminating millipedes, you can protect your plants and maintain the beauty of your outdoor spaces.

Second, getting rid of millipedes can reduce the risk of them invading your home. These pests are attracted to damp, dark environments, and can find their way into homes through cracks and crevices. Once inside, they can be difficult to control. By eliminating millipedes outside your home, you can reduce the likelihood of them getting inside.

Third, getting rid of millipedes can improve your overall quality of life. These pests can be unsightly, and their presence can be disconcerting. By eliminating them, you can enjoy a cleaner, more comfortable living environment.

Lastly, using natural methods to get rid of millipedes not only helps you to get rid of pests but also is safe for your family and pets. It also helps in maintaining a healthy environment by avoiding the use of harsh chemicals.

How Can Professionals Help In Getting Rid Of The Millipedes

If you are struggling to get rid of millipedes, a professional pest control service can help. They will have the knowledge, experience, and tools to effectively eliminate millipede infestations.


A professional pest control technician will first conduct an inspection of your home to identify the source of the problem and determine the type of millipedes that are present. They will look for damp and dark areas, and check for cracks and crevices that may be allowing millipedes to enter your home. They may also use specialized equipment to monitor the millipede population and determine the severity of the infestation.


Once the inspection is complete, the technician will develop a treatment plan tailored to your specific situation. This may include using a combination of chemical and non-chemical methods such as using pesticides, sticky traps, or bait stations. They may also recommend changes to your home such as repairing or replacing screens or sealing cracks and crevices around windows and doors to prevent millipedes from entering.


In addition to treating the current infestation, a professional pest control service will also provide ongoing monitoring and maintenance to ensure that the problem does not reoccur. They may also provide recommendations on how to prevent future infestations such as proper drainage around your home’s foundation, and maintaining a clean and tidy environment.

Where To Hire Professionals?

If you are in search of a reputed pest control service provider in Sydney, hire the professionals at Mick’s Pest Control. We are the best pest control service providers with years of experience. We use top-quality tools to address pest-related issues. You can hire us by giving us a call on 02 4018 7435.

Published on: May 4, 2023

Last updated on: May 18, 2023

Usually, spiders prefer making their webs outside. But many a time they start building their web inside the property in order to look for food and safe shelter. Occasionally, they built their nest in the corner of places that are dark and hidden or places that are not cleaned on a regular basis. Getting rid of spiders is most fulfilled by regular cleaning and filling all the deep and narrow gaps present inside your house.

Remedies To Get Rid Of Spiders In Your Home

1. Seal All The Cracks

Fill all the gaps and narrow cracks present outside your home. These gaps provide a gateway for the spider to enter your living place and make their shelter. They are always on the hunt for dark and untouched places where they can build their web and keep themselves growing. Therefore, if you are looking for how to get rid of spiders in your home, then:

  • Fix and replace the window screen, if broken
  • Cover the chimney and all the vents, narrow openings with the chicken mesh so that no insect can enter your house
  • In case, your windows and doors have gaps then use caulk to cover up the gap

2. Turn Off The Outdoor Light If Not Required

Usually, outdoor lights do not attract spiders but other pests like mosquitoes, insects, and ants will get attracted. But for the ecological system, other pests act as an appetizing food source.

  • The usage of curtains, blinds, or shades can help you for entering the light inside your house
  • Switch to the usage of yellow lights. Yellow lights do not appeal much to insects.

3. Remove All The Green Plants For A Certain Parameter

The green plant attracts the pest towards itself. In the late evening, you can observe numerous pests humming around the green plants. Therefore, if you have plants in and around your house, then there is more chance of the insects biting you or making you uncomfortable with their sound. Therefore, it’s always recommended to grow the plants away from your house for a certain parameter.

  • Plants have numerous hiding spots for insects. Therefore, in search of food and shelter, spiders keep on moving around the plants.
  • Remove the stones, mulch, and debris or leaves present nearby your house

4. Keep Your House Clean

Cleaning your house at regular intervals helps to avoid the entry of any pests. In case, the spiders slip inside your place then there would be less chance for them to survive if you clean your house.

  • Regularly vacuum clean your mats and carpets
  • Wipe all the workstations so that no junk sticks over them and let spiders grow over it
  • Usage of air-tight containers for the storage of food. airtight containers do not let any insects enter them.
  • Remove all the clutter from your place

5. Vacuum Cleaning

Vacuum cleaning is the easiest and the simple way if you are wondering how to get rid of spiders in your home. This method helps to suck all the eggs and spiders present in any corner of your place. Therefore, once they are removed, there is less chance for the spiders to come and grow.

6. Call A Professional, If Required

In case your house has a large spider infestation and does not know how to get rid of spiders in your home, then you may hire professionals to help you out in the best possible way. They will consider taking care of all the measures that are required while dealing with the removal of spiders. Usually, professionals apply strong chemicals so that the spiders do not turn back to your place and make it affected. But in case you have pets and any allergies, professionals will take care of all the possible needs.

DIY Methods: How To Get Rid Of Spiders In Your Home

1. Spray Peppermint Oil Inside Your House

Make a solution of peppermint oil and water in a spray bottle. Take 250 ml of water and add 20 drops of peppermint oil to it. Mix it well and spray it all over the corners and the cracks that are present in your house.

2. Sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth

Sprinkle a fine layer of diatomaceous earth powder all over the corners, basements, window panes, and cracks. Spread it all over your place wherever you can imagine the spiders can make their web.

3. Vinegar Spray

Take a spray bottle and add an equal quantity of water and white vinegar to it. Shake it well and spray it through all the nooks and crannies of your house. In case you are looking for how to get rid of spiders in your home, then this is the DIY best solution.

Safety Measures

In order to know how to get rid of spiders in your home, then there are a few preventive measures that can help you. This method will not only help you to get rid of the spiders but also help you to keep away cockroaches, flies, ants, and small insects.

  • Keep all the nooks and crannies of the house
  • Make sure that you wipe out the wasp eggs while vacuum-cleaning your place
  • Store your food in the airtight containers
  • Keep the litter in the dustbin and dispose of it before going to the bed
  • Use pest control or pesticides as per the requirement of your property
  • Block all the cracks and entry points
  • Put door sliders below the doors
  • Turn off the outdoor lights if not required
  • Put caulk around the cables, wires, faucets, and other electrical components that are present outside or inside your property

To Conclude

In case you are thinking of how to get rid of spiders in your home, then it is a combination of outdoor and indoor pest control. Performing the right method to remove them plays a crucial part. Whereas, making sure that they do not turn back over and over again within a short interval is more important. Prevention of your house from the entry of spiders and its web is vital. Therefore, if you are not able to get rid of spiders on your own, you may also call a professional pest control team available nearby your place.

Published on: May 4, 2023

Last updated on: May 18, 2023

While removing the wasp nest from your place, it’s crucial to keep your safety on priority. Keeping faith in experts is the best way to deal with the wasps. They take care of all the required measures and the usage of the right techniques and equipment helps you to get rid of the wasp.

Removing the wasp nest on your own is not advisable. Usually, the common man is not aware of taking all the safety measures and precautions while dealing with the wasp nest. It takes a lot of effort and risks to remove the wasp nest. In case you find a wasp nest in or outside your property, do not take the risk of removing it on your own. Trying to remove the nest without the right equipment and the right method may lead to an attack of the wasp on you. Therefore, the Wasp Nest Removal: What You Need to Know is going to be shared in this article.

What You Need To Know About Wasp Nest Removal

Steps Wasp Nest Removal: What You Need to Know

There are many methods that are available online to remove a wasp nest. But the wasp is a crazy creature and requires proper precaution and measure while dealing with their nest. Trying to remove the nest on your own is risky for you in both financial and physical ways. Henceforth, DIY wasp removal is not advisable, if you are planning to do it on your own.

Here are the brief steps that can widen your vision for Wasp Nest Removal: What You Need to Know

1. Identity The Location Of The Nest

Before you plan to remove the nest, it’s important to find out the exact location of the wasp nest. Identify the wasp and make sure what kind of wasp you are dealing with. Some wasp nests look identical to the bee nests but removing the wasp nest techniques is different.

There are many places where the wasp nest can be found like;

  • Window corners
  • Attics
  • Porch ceilings
  • Inside the grills
  • Soffits
  • Inside the horse reels
  • Tree branches
  • Corners of the verandah
  • The underside of decks and porches
  • And much more

2. Methods To Remove A Wasp Nest

  • Water: water is considered to be another removal method. But the fact is that the wasps do not flood at all. Considering the location of the nest, make sure that the flooding of the water may not cause any further damage to the property.
  • Burning the nest: Burning the nest is a dangerous way of eradicating the wasp nest. Wasps make their nest with the help of a thin papery substance that is produced by them while munching wood. Therefore, their nest is highly flammable. But with the help of fire, you will be able to burn the nest but you won’t be able to control the wasp. They will fly away from this place and will frame another nest for themselves. 
  • Destroy The Nest With A Baseball Bat: Destroying the wasp with the help of a baseball racket or any other hitting item is not advisable at all. These are adventurous creatures. They slip from the bat and try to hit you in return.

3. Ways To Remove Wasp Nests On Your Own

In case you find a wasp nest inside your property then most likely you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. While making a firm determination for pest removal, you need to know that the queen wasp plays a crucial role in the colony’s survival. If you try to knock down the wasp nest by attacking them either way, the wasp will definitely try their best to save their queen and in return, they will rush after you to attack you. They will use strings as their defence weapon.

4. Preventive Measures To Be Taken For Wasp Nest Removal

While dealing with the Wasp Nest Removal: What You Need to Know is the usage of the right preventive measures so that you may not get infected during the removal of the wasp.

  • Cover your body with a fine layer of cloth
  • Keep your pets and children away from the nest while using any DIY pesticide
  • Make sure you remove the wasp nest in the early morning or at night. Because there is not much movement around
  • Layout an escape route plan so that you can leave the affected area as soon as possible.
  • Do not climb the ladder to reach the wasp nest which is present at a height.

5. Call The Professionals

Removing the wasp nest by the DIY method is the most tedious task. You cannot rely on the wasp that won’t attack you if you try to remove their nest. Moreover, Wasp Nest Removal: What You Need to Know is to call the professional and hire them to do this task for you.

  • Safety: A professional knows the usage of rightful equipment. They protect themselves from the wasp stings and firmly assure that they remove the whole wasp nest so that they do not make their nest in the same place after a short while.
  • Right Product Usage: Wasp removal experts are well-trained personnel that know the right, powerful products that help to remove the nest easily. Moreover, they also consider the presence of kids, pets, and old persons present in your property.
  • Keen Knowledge: Experts have keen knowledge and expertise on the wasp removal nest. They know the behaviour of the wasp and know what may cause irritation to them. Therefore, the experts use a safe and secure method to remove the wasp nest.
  • Work On Every Nook And Cranny: Professionals are well-learned to work on every nook and cranny of the property. This allows them to remove the wasp completely in case they have started making their nest inside your property.

To Conclude

It’s crucial and hard to locate the wasp net. Wasps usually form their nest underneath spaces or in tree bushes or any hidden places. Trying to remove it on your own may lead to severe injuries. But for the Wasp Nest Removal: What You Need to Know is that do not try to remove it on your own. Still, if you want to do it then make sure that you are non-allergic and will perform the removal method safely. 

Published on: May 4, 2023

Last updated on: May 18, 2023

Home is the most comfortable place for each individual. But the entry of any foreign individual like a pest is always unpleasant and unexpected. Therefore, having an inspection session with the help of professionals can ease your job. Termites are a sneaky creature that keeps on evolving once entered. They settle down in the wooden upholstery and make it their home. The wooden walls, cabinets, decks, floorboards, beams, tables, almirah, and much more are the most attractive places for termites. Termites are good at hiding themselves. Therefore, this is the reason Why Every Home Needs an Annual Termite Inspection.

Why Does Every Home Need An Annual Termite Inspection

What Is Termite Inspection?

A termite inspection is a keen interrogation by a team of professionals to interrogate every corner of the property and make you aware of if there is any problem related to termites.

Points That Show Why Every Home Needs An Annual Termite Inspection

1. It’s Hard To Find The Actual Position Of The Termites

Fixing for Annual Termite Inspection is mainly required for the termite which is hard to locate. This pest hides inside the wooden Almirah, cabinets, wooden door panels, and much more areas. And thereafter they keep on rotting it. These are sneaky creatures. You might not be able to locate the termite for the whole year but your hour might be going through this problem for a long time. Termites start rotting your house within 4-5 years if it’s new construction. Therefore, to protect your house it’s important to have an annual Termite inspection.

Many times, you do not come across the problem that your property is facing due to termites. But the Annual pest inspection thorough inspection of the house helps to reduce all the panic states.

2. Detect Problems At An Early Stage

Termites never rest therefore, they keep on eating nonstop. Moreover, they spread faster, and therefore there are more chances for them to spread too many places inside the house.

Early detection reduces the burden of spreading all over the place. You can’t stay idle and keep on waiting for them to spread all over your home. It usually shows up when termites have hollowed the wooden upholstery.

Keeping yourself updated and well aware-of the things that are going on in and around your place is a must. That’s Why Every Home Needs an Annual Termite Inspection.

3. Financial Aspect

It’s heartbreaking to see your house being eaten up by termites. But, when you would acknowledge it, you will come across that repairing your house would cost you much more. Moreover, the extent of the damages is not been cleared until the professionals look into it. Therefore, that’s Why Every Home Needs an Annual Termite Inspection. Finding the problem at an early stage and curing it at the right time can help you to save money and stress.

4. No Burden Of Cross Verification

A team of professional termite inspectors visits your place after every year. They keenly observe every nook and cranny and thereafter perform all the required methodologies and technologies to deal with the issue of termites. The professionals are well-learned and trained personnel. They know what type of problem your house is dealing with and how to cure it.

Here is a brief idea of the things that professionals look into while they visit your place for an inspection

  • Knock on the wood that sounds hollow
  • Termite excrements
  • Small mud tunnels are observed in the corner of the walls or the cracks
  • Keenly observe the wooden upholstery, wooden floor, and much more.

The termite inspection team will also look for the Swarmers. They are members of the same colony but they have wings. This pest leaves its actual nest and makes its own new nest whenever they feel that it is the right time to bring up its offspring. Their wings can be found near the tiny pile of mud or in and around your house. These are the things that we usually do not bother much but it may lead to severe problems with your upholstery. This is the reason Why Every Home Needs an Annual Termite Inspection.

5. Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Annual Termite Inspection helps you to de-stress your mind from the termite activity. Moreover, it helps to determine the problem at an early stage, and therefore the necessary treatments are done on time. Professional termite inspection makes you smooth down the problem you are not aware of or aware of. With accurate treatment, the shelf life of your house increases. Therefore, you can relax till the next Annual Termite Inspection.

To Conclude

Keeping your house affected by the termite is not worth it. You have spent many amounts building and creating your soothing place. Getting an annual termite inspection and treatment removes all the burden from your mind of keeping your place a safe one for a long time. In case there is any minor requirement for the repair, the inspection team will bring it to your acknowledgement and help you in rectifying the issue. Repairing at the right time helps to remove all the extra burden from you. Termites are very tiny creatures but have a strong effect on ruining your most soothing place. That’s the reason Why Every Home Needs an Annual Termite Inspection.

Published on: May 4, 2023

Last updated on: May 18, 2023

Among all the insects, silverfish are known to be the most skin-crawling creature just like cockroaches. These small sleek creatures usually spoil the things which are present in a dark and moist place. You may notice silverfish while taking out your old books, newspaper, clothing, wallpaper, and much more papery substance.

In case you have observed such creatures inside your property then it is the best time to get rid of them. But you might be looking for How to Deal With a Silverfish Infestation, then here are a few ways that can help you to exterminate the silverfish.  

How To Deal With A Silverfish Infestation

Steps How To Deal With A Silverfish Infestation

Try out the below-mentioned seven key steps to deal with a silverfish problem and get rid of it easily. Let’s get started!

1. Air-Tight The Food

Once you cook the food, put it in an airtight container so that no insect may attack it. In your almirah, there might be the presence of silverfish but you might have not noticed. Therefore, these silverfish may settle down in the bowl and the moment you pour something in it, the silverfish will start floating. Keep your cereals, dry fruits, pasta, flour, sugar, rice, pet animal food, quinoa, and others in the airtight jar so that no silverfish may attack it.

2. Do Not Keep Clutter

Destroy the clutter like old books, newspapers, magazines, and every single piece of paper that is not useful and required. Get rid of all the stuff that is not required. In case you want to store things, then you may use airtight containers or bins especially to keep things in the attic or basement.

3. Reduce Humidity Level

Silverfish usually grow and reproduce in humid environments. To maintain a healthy atmosphere in your place, it’s better to use a dehumidifier and make sure that your washroom and rooms have a good ventilation system.

4. Spread Diatomaceous Earth Powder

Diatomaceous earth is a white crumbly powder consisting of diatoms that are a part of algae. Diatomaceous earth helps to destroy the outer layer of the silverfish’s waxy coating and hence causes them to lose their moisture and lead to death. You may sprinkle the fine powder in your basement or at places wherever you have seen silverfish. In case you are looking for How to Deal With a Silverfish Infestation, then this is the best way out.  

5. Usage Of Sticky Tapes

Sticky tapes are easily available in the market. In case you are looking for How to Deal With a Silverfish Infestation, then this is an easy way to get rid of the silverfish. Put this tape in the places wherever you observe any moment of silverfish. Silverfish will stick to the tape and they won’t be able to move.

6. Dry Bay Leaves

Dry bay leaves are the biggest saviour if you are wondering How to Deal With a Silverfish Infestation. The oil present in the bay leaves is proven to be the strongest pest removal deterrent. For this method, only you have to spread the bay leaves at places wherever you observe the sign of silverfish.

7. Use Of Traps

To trap the silverfish, you can frame a strategy by making fine packets of boric acid that act as a poison for the silverfish. Put these packets in the corners or the places wherever you have observed these small creatures.

Moreover, silverfish are fond of starchy food. They are always in hunt of such foods. Therefore, you can also sprinkle dry cereals, flour, and pet food in a container and leave it for some time. Put a layer of tape on the top of the container’s brim. While silverfish will be trying to attack the food they get stuck to the tape.

Tips To Prevent Silverfish from Entering Your Place

  • Do regular cleaning of your house
  • Keep all the food in the air tight jar/containers
  • Store the clothes in a dry place
  • Clean the workstation after using it
  • Get a dehumidifier
  • Usage of caulking
  • Keep your house lively with the cross ventilation
  • Clean your lawn, and backyard, regularly

To Conclude

Silverfish are known to be an innocent pest that does not harm majorly to anything. Usually when they grow up on a large scale, then they grow up in the books or cupboards which are untouched. Further, silverfish produce allergens which are a problem for a few people and lead to mucus buildup, itching, and coughing. The moment you come across the silverfish, removal is just before it’s too late. Though looking for how to Deal With a Silverfish Infestation, then the above-mentioned techniques might be helpful in daily routine. Or you may hire professionals for monthly, quarterly, or yearly cleaning and decluttering of your property.

Published on: May 4, 2023

Last updated on: May 18, 2023

Pantry moths, also known as Indian meal moths, can be a frustrating and persistent problem in any household. These small moths are attracted to stored food products, such as cereal, flour, pasta, and pet food. They can lay their eggs in these food items, and before you know it, your pantry is infested with tiny larvae. For detailed information on what to do when you have a pantry moth problem, read the blog post till the end. 

What Are Pantry Moths?

Pantry moths, also known as Indian meal moths, are small moths that are commonly found in households. They are attracted to stored food products, such as cereal, flour, pasta, and pet food. The adult moths are about 1/2 inch long and have a wingspan of about 3/4 inch. They are typically greyish-brown with a copper lustre on the outer two-thirds of their wings. The larvae, which are in the destructive stage, are small, white worms that can be found crawling in pantry foods.

What To Do When You Have A Pantry Moth Problem

Things To Do When You Have A Pantry Moth Problem

Inspection Of Area

If you suspect you have a pantry moth problem, the first step is to thoroughly inspect all of your stored food products. Look for small, silken webs in the corners of packages, as well as small, white larvae and adult moths. Discard any infested food items immediately, as well as any food that is past its expiration date or that you suspect may be contaminated.

Clean Your Pantry

Next, clean your pantry thoroughly. This includes wiping down all surfaces with a solution of warm water and dish soap, vacuuming all corners and crevices, and discarding any old, unused food items that may be harbouring eggs or larvae. Be sure to empty and clean your vacuum cleaner bag or canister to prevent re-infestation.


To prevent future infestations, consider storing your food in airtight containers or in the refrigerator or freezer. This will make it more difficult for moths to lay their eggs and will also protect your food from contamination. Keep your pantry and kitchen clean and free of crumbs, as well as other food debris. You can also use natural repellents such as cedar wood, bay leaves, and cloves. These natural oils are toxic to moths and can be placed inside your pantry or near your food storage to keep moths away.

Address The Source Of The Problem

It is also important to address the source of the problem, which can be from the infestation from the outdoors or from a nearby food source that attracts the moths. It is best to call a professional pest control service, which can help you identify the source of the infestation and provide appropriate treatment. They may also use pesticides, baits, and other methods to eliminate the moths and their larvae.

In summary, pantry moths can be a frustrating problem, but with a little patience and persistence, you can eliminate them from your home. Start by inspecting and discarding infested food items, cleaning your pantry thoroughly, and storing your food in airtight containers. Use natural repellents to keep moths away, and if the problem persists, consider calling a professional pest control service for help.

Hire Professionals

It is important to note that you should always hire a licensed and experienced professional pest control service for pantry moth infestations. They have the expertise and equipment necessary to safely and effectively eliminate the infestation and prevent it from recurring. They will not only help you in getting rid of them but will also help you in preventing the moths from entering your house in future. 

If you are in search of the best pest control experts in Sydney, you can hire professionals at Mick’s Pest Control. We offer cheap and best pest control services. To hire us, call now on 02 4018 7435.

Published on: May 4, 2023

Last updated on: May 18, 2023

Possums, also known as opossums, are common pests that can cause damage to your roof, roof cavity, and ceiling. They are known to take shelter in attics and other areas of the home and can cause significant damage if left unchecked. Possums have sharp teeth which can damage your house wiring, damage your furniture and can cause many other problems as well. There are several ways of getting rid of the possums, read the blog till the end to know in detail about how to possum-proof your roof, cavity and ceiling. 

How To Possum Proof Your Roof Roof Cavity And Ceiling

What Are Possums?

Possums are marsupials native to Australia and nearby islands. They are typically small to medium-sized animals with fur-covered bodies, long snouts, and prehensile tails. Some species of possums are arboreal (tree-dwelling), while others are terrestrial (ground-dwelling). They are known for their ability to “play dead” as a defence mechanism when threatened. In North America, the Virginia opossum is a marsupial that is often referred to as just “possum” as well, but it is a different species from the possums found in Australia.

Ways To Get Rid Of Possums

To possum proof your roof, roof cavity, and ceiling, there are several steps you can take.

Inspect your roof for potential entry points: Possums can enter your roof through small openings, such as vents, chimneys, and gaps around eaves. Look for holes, cracks, or any other openings that may be allowing possums to enter your roof. Seal these openings with metal flashing, mesh, or other materials to prevent possums from entering.

Install possum-proof barriers: Possums are excellent climbers and can scale walls, fences, and other obstacles with ease. To keep them out of your roof, install possum-proof barriers around the perimeter of your roof. This can include installing metal sheeting, wire mesh, or other materials to prevent possums from climbing onto your roof.

Use repellents: Possums have a keen sense of smell, and certain scents can deter them from entering your roof. Consider using repellents that contain the scent of predators such as foxes or coyotes, or use commercial possum repellents that emit high-pitched noises.

Trim trees and bushes: Possums are excellent climbers and can use trees and bushes to gain access to your roof. Trim back branches and foliage that are close to your roof to eliminate this potential entry point.

Use traps: If possums are already on your roof, you may need to trap and remove them. Use live traps and check them regularly, and release the possums in a safe location far away from your house.

Keep your roof and attic clean and dry: Possums are attracted to damp and dark environments, so keep your roof and attic clean and dry to discourage them from nesting.

By taking these steps, you can effectively possum-proof your roof, roof cavity, and ceiling and prevent possums from causing damage to your home.

Additionally, it’s important to note that possums are protected species in many areas, so before you take any action you need to check the local laws and regulations. It’s also important to hire a professional pest controller who is licensed and insured to handle possums. They will have the knowledge and expertise to properly and safely get rid of possums and possum-proof your home.

How Can Professionals Help You In Getting Rid Of Possums?

There are several ways that professionals can help you get rid of possums from your house:

Trapping: Professionals can set humane traps to capture the possums and then release them in a suitable location away from your home.

Exclusion: Professionals can identify and seal off any entry points that the possums are using to get into your home. This can include installing metal flashing, repairing holes in the roof or walls, and installing chimney caps.

Repellents: Professionals can use natural or chemical repellents to discourage possums from entering their homes. These can include scent repellents, such as peppermint oil or vinegar, or noise repellents, such as ultrasonic devices.

Habitat modification: Professionals can help you modify the environment around your home to make it less attractive to possums. This can include removing food sources, such as pet food or unsecured garbage, or trimming back branches that possums use to access your roof.

It is important to note that it is illegal to harm or kill possums without a permit in most places, and it is always best to contact a professional with the proper knowledge and equipment to handle possums safely and humanely.

Get Professional Help

If you want to get rid of the possums and prevent them from damaging your property, it is important that you hire professionals. Professional pest control experts know the right ways to get rid of all kinds of pests. One of the best professional pest control teams in Sydney is Mick’s Pest Control. This company is known for providing the best quality pest control services. To hire us, give us a call at 02 4018 7435 and get your service booked. 

Published on: May 3, 2023

Last updated on: May 18, 2023

Protecting your house from flies is important for several reasons. First, flies can be a nuisance and can disrupt your daily activities. They can buzz around your head, land on your food and drinks, and even bite or sting. In addition, flies can also spread disease by carrying bacteria and viruses on their legs and bodies. They can contaminate food and surfaces, and can even transmit illnesses such as food poisoning and dysentery and many more diseases. 

To protect your house from flies, there are several steps you can take. First, make sure to keep all food and garbage sealed and disposed of properly. Flies are attracted to the smell of rotting food, so keeping your kitchen clean and free of spills and crumbs will help keep them away. Next, use screens on windows and doors to prevent flies from entering your home. You can also use fly traps or strips, which use a sticky substance or a light to attract and trap flies. Read on to know in detail how to protect your home from flies. 

How To Protect Your Home From Flies

Tips To Protect Your Home From Flies

Flies can be a major nuisance in any home, and they can also spread germs and bacteria. Here are some tips to help protect your home from flies:

Keep your home clean: Flies are attracted to food scraps and dirty dishes, so it’s important to keep your kitchen and dining areas clean. Wipe down counters and table surfaces frequently, and wash dishes as soon as you finish using them.

Use fly traps: Fly traps are an effective way to capture and eliminate flies. You can purchase fly traps at most hardware and home improvement stores, or you can make your own using a mixture of sugar, water, and apple cider vinegar.

Seal cracks and gaps: Flies can enter your home through small cracks and gaps around windows, doors, and screens. Seal these areas with caulking or weatherstripping to keep flies out.

Use screens: Keep flies out of your home by installing screens on windows and doors. Make sure that screens are in good condition and that there are no holes or tears.

Keep food and trash sealed: Flies are attracted to food and garbage, so it’s important to keep both sealed and away from flies. Store food in airtight containers and dispose of trash in sealed garbage cans.

Keep outdoor areas clean: Flies breed in dirty, damp areas, so it’s important to keep outdoor areas clean. Keep your lawn mowed, remove standing water, and clean up any outdoor trash.

Use natural repellents: Some natural repellents such as eucalyptus oil, lemon, and citronella are known to repel flies. You can use these oils in diffusers and sprays or even place some cut lemon and eucalyptus leaves around the house.

By following these tips, you can help protect your home from flies and enjoy a fly-free living space. Remember to take preventative measures and address the problem as soon as you notice it, to avoid a fly infestation.

Importance Of Protecting Your House From Flies

Protecting your house from flies is crucial for maintaining a healthy and comfortable living environment. Flies are not only a nuisance but they can also pose serious health risks to you and your family.


One of the main reasons to protect your house from flies is that they can spread disease. Flies are known to carry and transmit a variety of bacteria and viruses, such as E. coli, Salmonella, and Shigella, which can cause food poisoning, diarrhea, and other illnesses. They can also spread diseases such as tuberculosis and cholera. They do this by landing on contaminated surfaces and then transferring the germs to food, utensils, and other surfaces in your home. This makes it extremely important to keep your kitchen and other areas of your home clean and free of spills and crumbs, as well as properly dispose of food and garbage to reduce the chances of flies entering your home.

Allergic Reactions

Another important reason to protect your house from flies is that they can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Flies can release allergens such as dust and pollen, which can trigger asthma attacks or skin rashes. This can be especially dangerous for people who have pre-existing respiratory conditions.


Flies can also disrupt daily activities, they can be a nuisance and can cause discomfort, they can buzz around your head and land on your food, drinks and bed. This can make it difficult to relax or enjoy your home, and can also be a major source of stress for some people.

Get Professional Help

If you’re struggling to get rid of flies from your house, a professional pest control service can help. They will have the knowledge, experience, and tools to effectively eliminate fly infestations. A professional pest control technician will first conduct an inspection of your home to identify the source of the problem and determine the type of flies that are present. They may also use specialized equipment like fly lights or traps to monitor the fly population and determine the severity of the infestation.

If you are looking for the best pest control company in Sydney, hire professionals at Mick’s Pest Control. We are the most trusted and one of the top pest control service providers. To hire us, give us a call at 02 4018 7435. 

Published on: May 3, 2023

Last updated on: May 18, 2023